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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Sink or Float

I am responsible for K-6 enrichment at my school twice a week.  I try to do a mix of math, science, and reading.  This week, with my 2nd graders, I performed the Sink or Float experiment I learned at a School-Aged After Care Programs Conference about 7 years ago.  I do not remember the speaker; otherwise, I would share my source. 

The time before this class period I asked the kids to bring a beverage (appropriate for school of course).  The kids can't drink soda at school, but I let them bring that and take it home.  We didn't want any adult beverages showing up!   I brought extras in case the kids forgot over the weekend.  Now for the experiment:

First you fill a tub full water.  You want it to be deep enough to hold the water and lots of cans of soda and bottled beverages--the bigger the better! 

Don't forget the towels!  You'll want to dry off the cans and bottles after placing them in the water. 

Secondly, I had the students create a T-Chart on a white sheet of paper.  As the kids placed their bottles and cans on the table to add to our collection, they wrote down each one on the left hand side of the paper.  On the right hand side, they wrote their hypothesis as to whether each beverage would sink or float. 

Next, the students put the bottles and cans into the water and we gave an X on the paper if they did not predict correctly. 

After the placing of the beverages, we talked about the reasons why some beverages floated better than others.  (Some were in between  floating and sinking.)  Bottles vs. cans of the same type of beverages was an interesting conversation as was sugared drinks vs. diet drinks. 

Overall, the kids really liked it, and it can almost be turned into a health lesson (sugar vs. sugar substatute vs. water based beverages). 

Sunday, February 26, 2012

I am sitting here planning my week using my home planning sheet and it hit me that I let people download my school one and I probably should let them download this one, too. I find it helpful to spend about 30 minutes to an hour filling out my planning sheets for the week.  It helps me wrap my head around what is going on in a given week.  Here is the link.  It's free!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

My 2nd and 3rd Grade Common Core Vocabulary Cards have been such a hit on both and that I went ahead and created a set for 1st grade. 
My school is trying to get a running start at utilizing the new Core Curriculum Standards.  Our Kindergarten and First Grade have already started.  We in 2nd Grade start next year and have already begun creating items to go along with it.  I am actually kind of excited about it, but I know lots of people are a little scared of it. 

Download a preview or purchase the file at TeachersNotebook here or TeachersPayTeachers here.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Getting Creative

I utilized my time this holiday break to create some new units of study for subtraction and contractions.  I found some really cute clipart on and KMPDesigns on Etsy.  You can look at these units on Teachers Pay Teachers.  I will post a link under the pictures.  My husband has called this my new obsession.  I think he is hoping it will replace Pinterest, but I told him not a chance!  It, however, is a lot of fun. 

Here is my cooking-themed contractions mini-unit: 

Look at a sample or purchase the mini-unit TPT Link or Teacher's Notebook.
The other unit I worked on is Subtraction Sufari. It is based off of Common Core Math Standard 1.OA.6 which is basically adding and subtracting to 20.  Here are some samples and links: 

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Trying this out

I have been fascinated by the number of amazing teachers out there that have shared their wealth of lesson plans, tips, and tricks.  I have finally decided to jump on the bandwagon and begin my own. 

My blog's title pretty much sums up who I have been over the past 6 years. I have moved up and down grades 4 times over that time.  I like to challenge myself and keep myself fresh.  I taught my first two years in first grade, then moved to 5th grade for two years, then 4th for a year and now I am job sharing in 2nd grade and doing K-6 enrichment the other part of the time. 

I am not quite sure what I hope to accomplish here, but I will figure it out as I go along.  Here is a copy of a weekly planner I created to keep myself sane going back and forth from teaching in 2nd grade to my enrichment classes. 

You can download it for free from my TeachersPayTeachers store.  Download Here

Also, I am having a President's Sale in my TPT store to celebrate an actual day off with no meetings! Check it out at